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(售前售后联系微信号:newbalance533 禁止商业传播.否则停止更新)Although an employer may have a strong incentive or legal obligation to monitor employees‘ conduct or behavior, some excessive monitoring may be considered an intrusion on employees‘ privacy? Which of the following is the strongest example of excessive monitoring by the employer?

AAn employer who installs a video monitor in physical locations, such as a warehouse, to ensure employees are performing tasks in a safe manner and environment.

BAn employer who installs data loss prevention software on all employee computers to limit transmission of confidential company information.

CAn employer who installs video monitors in physical locations, such as a changing room, to reduce the risk of sexual harassment.

DAn employer who records all employee phone calls that involve financial transactions with customers completed over the phone.

正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


  • 单选题

    售后联系信号:newbalance533 禁止商业传播.否则停止更新)Which jurisdiction must courts have in order to hear a particular case?

